
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Health Options

Rare Command # 2: Setting health commands to players and yourself

Hahahah! If set to zero, it will look like they have died from a heart attack!

Command code for Health options to players: "ent_fire !picker sethealth ???"
Ex: bind "X_BUTTON" "ent_fire !picker sethealth 0"

Command code for Health options to yourself: "ent_fire !self sethealth ???"
Ex: bind "L_SHOULDER" "ent_fire !self sethealth 99999"

Creating Spawns

Rare command # 1: Creating Spawns!

Ever wanted to create your own spawns? Here's your one!

Command Code for removing spawns: "ent_remove_all info_player_teamspawn"

Command Code for creating a spawn: "ent_create info_player_teamspawn"

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Civilian Class

 2 Easter Eggs so far; The Invisible Sniper and now.....The Tenth Class!

Civilian Class Info
Speed: Slow
Health: 50
Weapons: None

Command Code: "joinclass civilian"
Ex: bind "UP" "joinclass civilian"