
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Server Commands

Now it's the time for making rules for your own server!
Check This Out!

This must be written down to the bottom of your TF2-0 file!
wait 9000;ent_create point_servercommand wait 9050;ent_fire point_servercommand command "???"


No Spectating
"mp_allowspectators 0"

Friendly Fire
"mp_friendlyfire 1"

Gravity Option
"sv_gravity ???" ("400" is basic, "100" is moon gravity, "900" is iron gravity")

Respawn Wave Time
"mp_respawnwavetime ?.?" (0.0 for instant spawn)

Sentry Gun Upgrade Per Hit
"tf_sentrygun_upgrade_per_hit ?" (100 will automatically upgrade!)

Both Team Talk
"sv_alltalk 1"

Change Server Name
"hostname ???"

Unbalance Option
"mp_teams_unbalance_limit ?" (If set to "0", all 18 players can be in one team)

Critical Option (Primary)
"tf_damage_critical_chance ???" (If set to "100", there's always crits, if set to "0", no crits)

Critical Option (Secondary)
"tf_damage_critical_chance_rapid ???"

Critical Option (Melee)
"tf_damage_critical_chance_melee ???"

Voice Command Time
"tf_max_voice_speak_delay ?" ("0" you can launch a voice command rapid amount of times!)

All Capture Points Unlocked
"tf_caplinear 0"

Unlimited Metal (Repairing Costs Metal)
"tf_cheapobjects 1"

Spy De-cloak  Attack Time
"tf_spy_cloak_no_attack_time ?" ("0" will allow the Spy to attack anytime while de-cloaking)

Fast Build
"tf_fastbuild ?" ("1" will allow all buildings to be fully built in that second!)

Walk Through Buildings
"tf_solidobjects 0"

Infinite Sentry Ammo
"tf_sentrygun_ammocheat 1"

Always Move
"sv_friction 0"

Fast Ubercharge
"weapon_medigun_charge_rate 0"

Fast Health From Dispencer
"obj_dispenser_heal_rate 10"

Restart Round (Recommended for SV commands to take effect)
"mp_restartround 5"

Capture The Flag Score Option
"tf_flag_caps_per_round "?" (Can't go over "9"!)

Matrix Mode
"host_timescale 0.5"

No Idle Players
"mp_idledealmethod 0"

Auto Change Map
"mp_2fort" (Or any map you want)

Sentry Gun Damage
"tf_sentrygun_damage 16"
Disable Cheats
"sv_cheats 0"

wait 9000;ent_create point_servercommand wait 9000;ent_create point_servercommand wait 9050;ent_fire point_servercommand command "sv_gravity 200"
wait 9000;ent_create point_servercommand wait 9050;ent_fire point_servercommand command "hostname Modified Game Session by JT90- Have fun!;tf_damage_critical_chance 100;tf_damage_critical_chance_rapid 100;tf_damage_critical_chance_melee 100;sv_maxvelocity 5000;tf_sentrygun_upgrade_per_hit 50;obj_dispenser_heal_rate 25"
wait 9000;ent_create point_servercommand wait 9050;ent_fire point_servercommand command "tf_solidobjects 0;tf_sentrygun_damage 35.;tf_sentrygun_metal_per_shell 3;tf_sentrygun_metal_per_rocket 5;obj_child_damage_factor .5;tf_sentrygun_newtarget_dist 800;tf_spy_cloak_consume_rate 3;tf_spy_cloak_regen_rate 10;tf_spy_cloak_no_attack_time 0"
wait 9000;ent_create point_servercommand wait 9050;ent_fire point_servercommand command "weapon_medigun_damage_modifier 3;weapon_medigun_charge_rate 22;tf_boost_drain_time 0.0;tf_flamethrower_maxdamagedist 800;tf_flamethrower_boxsize 6.0;tf_invuln_time 2;tf_max_voice_speak_delay .1;tf_flag_caps_per_round 11;sv_maxvelocity"
wait 9000;ent_create point_servercommand wait 9050;ent_fire point_servercommand command "bot_mimic_yaw_offset 0;wait 1;bot_mimic 1"
wait 7800;ent_create point_servercommand wait 9050;ent_fire point_servercommand command "mp_restartround 10;mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0;mp_allowspectators 0;mp_friendlyfire 1;mp_winlimit 10"

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Voice Commands

Don't you thing saying "MEDIC!!!" is getting old? Maybe try a different one!


"voicemenu 0 0"

"voicemenu 0 1"

Go! Go! Go!
"voicemenu 0 2"

Move Up!
"voicemenu 0 3"

Go Left!
"voicemenu 0 4"

Go Right!
"voicemenu 0 5"

"voicemenu 0 6"

"voicemenu 0 7"

"voicemenu 1 0"

"voicemenu 1 1"

Sentry Ahead!
"voicemenu 1 2"

Place a Teleporter Here!
"voicemenu 1 3"

Place a Dispencer Here!
"voicemenu 1 4"

Place a Sentry Here!
"voicemenu 1 5"

Activate Uber Doc!
"voicemenu 1 6"

Get ready Doc...
"voicemenu 1 7"

"voicemenu 2 0"

Lets Do It!
"voicemenu 2 1"

"voicemenu 2 2"

"voicemenu 2 3"

Positive Comment
"voicemenu 2 4"

Negative Comment
"voicemenu 2 5"

Nice Shot!
"voicemenu 2 6"

Good Job!
"voicemenu 2 7"


Ex: bind "STICK2" "voicemenu 1 1"

Monday, March 7, 2011

Team Options

Rare Command # 5! Team Commands!
Tired of other modders, rivals, or your enemies in your server? UNASSIGNED!

Command Code for players: "ent_fire !picker setteam ?"
Command Code for yourself: "ent_fire !self setteam 0"


Unassigned: "setteam 0"
Spectator: "setteam 1"
Red: "setteam 2"
Blue: "setteam 3"


Rare Command # 4! Teleporting!
Confuse players more than noclip! Teleport! ZOOM! ZOOM! ZOOM! Can't catch me!

Command Code: ent_teleport 1"
Ex: bind "STICK1" "ent_teleport 1"

Health Drain (Bleed)

Rare command # 3! Health Drain
You have forced them to let their own health to drain!

Command Code: "ent_fire !picker ignite"
Ex: bind "UP" "ent_fire !picker ignite"